Sphynx has 4 degrees warmer body compared to other cats.
Sphynx has an average lifespan of 9 to 15 years.
Sphynx is named after its sleek body which resembles the Egyptian sphinx.
Even though its body appears hairless, Sphynx is actually covered with thin layer of downy hair that looks like a peach fuzz. The Sphynx’s skin is covered with a fine down, much like that of a peach.
Sphynx has wedge-shaped head, narrow face without whiskers, well-developed cheeks, large eyes and large, bat-like ears. The Sphynx ears can be two or three inches high. It has slender, muscular body and whip-like tail. Sphynx has dexterous toes that can be used for manipulation of various objects..